Saturday, February 5, 2011

Impervious No More

A few years back, as I was completing my coaching certification, one of my mentors commented that I was 'impervious.'  That's a heavy word and I learned that it meant I didn't really let people in. Or if something affected me, I didn't show it.  I needed to learn how to become more accessible, open and well...'pervious.'  I looked it up in the dictionary thinking it wouldn't exist.  But it does.  It means 'admitting of passage or entrance; permeable.'  Or even better, it means 'open or accessible to reason, feeling, argument, etc.'  So if you know me, you know that I can be very open and accessible--when it suits me.  But I can also be very guarded and private.  As a matter of fact, this is the first blog that I have ever posted or published.  But the truth is (you can see for yourself), I started blogging sporadically in 2009...under a pseudonym...and I never published any of them.  But now, thanks, to my friend, Jenni--The Digital Diva, who taught me some of her blogging skills this week--I am not only blogging again, but I'm opening up and making my blog accessible to others.  And in the spirit of openness, I will share with you a quote I heard this week from an Improv group based in Portland, Oregon: 'My goal in this conversation is to be changed by you.  If I walk out with exactly the same perspectives I had when I walked in, then we have both failed.'  Robert Redford gets credit for saying this to his team at Sundance.  Thank you, Bob.  This is now my mantra--to be changeable, permeable and impervious no more.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the public blogosphere! It's a nice world in here. I'm glad you've joined - you have so much insight and I appreciate your willingness to share it!
